Achieving good dental health should be a clear goal for everyone. Dentistry is responsible for preventing, diagnosing and treating problems that may arise in our oral cavity.
There is a certain tendency in society to go to the dentist only when we believe or sense that we have a problem with our teeth or gums. It goes without saying that this is a serious mistake, since visiting the dentist regularly is key to avoiding future problems. Also, if you want to achieve a high level and quality of dental health, there are a number of common dental procedures that you can adopt that can help you both prevent and solve small problems even before they appear.
In addition, a visit on a regular basis allows to improve the effectiveness of dental treatments in case it is necessary to apply any.
Dental cleaning is an exceptional treatment to guarantee the correct hygiene of your mouth. Even if we brush our teeth three times a day and do it properly, it is practically impossible to achieve a complete cleanliness, due in part to the difficulty in reaching various areas of our mouth.
It is recommended that you have at least one dental cleaning per year, which will undoubtedly allow you to reduce the chances of suffering from dental and periodontal (gum) diseases.
It is important to emphasize that professional dental cleaning is a complement to daily oral health, achieving the desired state of health through the combination of both.
Fillings are the solution to the most common dental disease, cavities. Caries consists of the destruction of dental enamel, causing a small hole or opening that can cause serious discomfort to the affected person. With fillings, the expert dentist fills in that small hole, greatly improving the patient’s quality of life. Thanks to fillings, we prevent dental infection from reaching the root, which would already be a more serious problem to be solved by an endodontic expert.
With proper dental hygiene and a balanced diet, we can reduce the chances of suffering from cavities.
Another procedure carried out by dentists is the extraction of dental pieces. It is a simple and ideal treatment for those teeth that are in very bad condition, for wisdom teeth or for milk teeth, among others.
Orthodontics is, along with the general dentistry treatments explained above, one of the most required dental services.
Orthodontic appliances have become the best solution to correct the position of the teeth, improving both the functionality and the aesthetics of our mouth.
There are many types of orthodontics in existence today, from the most conventional to the most innovative such as Invisalign, but they all have the same goal: to correct dental malocclusion and allow you to achieve the smile you want.